  • image1 We provide things which ill man desires and needs…
  • image2 …warm health care, comprehension, kindness, patience and smile…
  • image3 …with those we are trying to distinguish ourselves In the face of the other companies.

For doctors

Criteria which patient must meet to be able to be chronically ventilated (stationary) within “Serdeczna Troska” MCE for mechanically ventilated patients.


  1. The patient permanently incapable of self-breathing in the prognosis of not being able to be disconnected from the ventilator,
  2. Stable breathing - may not require advanced ventilation modes,
  3. FiO2 not higher than 0,3
  4. Hemodynamically stable - may not require pressor amines or any drugs administered intravenously,
  5. Patient should have his/her diagnostics and hospital treatment completed,
  6. At the time of transfer to the MCE, patient can not have an active infection or require antibiotic treatment,
  7. Patient should have current (not older than 7 days) inspection image of the chest and current (idle) cultures,
  8. The patient ventilated invasively should have his/her tracheostomy established and healed. Immediately prior to the transfer of the patient to the MCE it is indicated to put a fresh tracheostomy tube,
  9. Patients requiring enteral nutrition should have their PEG established,
  10. If patient has bedsores, they may require surgical development,
  11. Patient should not have diagnosed cancer
  12. The minimum weight of the mechanically ventilated child is 8kg

 Patient residing within the MCE covers the social costs of his/her stay – in order to determine the price of the montly fee you need to contact with MCE office:

-          Phone number: 12 6408080

-          Fax number: 12 6408181

Patient must agree to be placed within the facility. If there is no such agreement, the decision of the court or information about the decision is required.

After the patient’s MCE ventilation referral has been sent, the MCE anesthesiologist will contact the medical team. However, before the patient can be qualified for admittance, he/she needs to send the actual treating medical card to the MCE anesthesiologist. When the card has been read and the patient has met the criteria for admittance, the MCE anesthesiologist will qualify the patient and set the date for admission in the facility.

2025  Serdeczna Troska