  • image1 We provide things which ill man desires and needs…
  • image2 …warm health care, comprehension, kindness, patience and smile…
  • image3 …with those we are trying to distinguish ourselves In the face of the other companies.

MCE in Cracow, Rzepakowa Street 5a


Anna Targosz  - MCE Manager

Master of Nursing

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Katarzyna Hodura - Chief Specialist nurse


+48 12 640 80 80 - Secretariat, document submission

+48 12 640 80 82 - ground floor ward

+48 12 640 80 83 - 1st floor ward

+48 12 640 80 84 - 2nd floor ward

+48 12 640 80 81 - fax

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2025  Serdeczna Troska